We Care...

...for over 5,000 children in our thirty-two Manhattan Youth After-School Programs in Lower Manhattan public schools, offering over 500 different activities that strengthen minds and bodies, foster creativity and spur personal growth. We also care for hundreds more in our full-day summertime Downtown Day Camps.

In 1991, we began providing assistance to help working families secure quality childcare regardless of their ability to pay. We have never turned away a child due to a family's inability to pay.

This year, we will provide nearly $400,000 in financial assistance to ensure children and families have access to quality after-school and summer camp childcare, plus $200,000 in free after-school programming, and another $300,000 in free programming for Seniors and others.

We need your help!

The assistance we provide is critically important, especially to many families and children in our community. We care for those in need, and we need your generosity and support to continue our work.

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